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Very Complete - To Complete Your Life


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woman who is meditating

Prioritize Yourself with Meditation and Self-care Routines

You deserve to be the best you that you can be. You can start on that journey by taking active measures to take care of yourself. Self-care routines, which may include meditation, are a way to get you there.

First off, meditation. This is one of the most important of all of the self-care items. It was actually found in recent studies that meditation was part of a lifestyle which actually shortened your telomeres. In layman's terms, meditating actually has been proven to make you biologically younger. We can all use to be a little bit younger.

So, let's think about meditation. An important thing about meditation is finding the same time every day for this. It may be as easy as the first thing you do when you wake up. It might be the ten minutes you have between television programs in the evening. It could be what you do after you feed the cat when you get home from your day. Whatever time you choose, just try to be consistent about it every day. And when you don't want to do it, think about how it actually makes you younger. That always works.

Not All Meditation is the Same

Now, there are a few different types of meditation. You can find apps which will lead you through meditation by offering you images to think about. You can do mantra meditation, where you repeat a phrase over and over in your mind. Or, you can simply focus on your breath, in and out, as you try to blank out your mind, allowing thoughts to enter and leave, without dwelling upon them. Whichever you choose, just try to put this into your daily life. It can stick with you through your life, and may just make it longer.

Eat Just One Healthy Thing

Self-care routines are also a way to take care of you. You can have a ritual reminder of certain things. One of those things might be to think of something every evening that you want to eat that is really healthy for your body. That item might be as simple as a leaf of kale, or as complex as a five different mushrooms that you saute so that your body can fight viruses and cancer. It could be dipping into that green powder that has been sitting in the back of your cupboard so that you can infuse your body with powdered green vegetables that will keep you nourished. It doesn't really matter what it is you think of to eat, the important thing is that it becomes a routine, and each day you do it, you make your body that tiny bit healthier.

Get a Notebook, It's Important

Another idea to add to your self-care routine is to buy a cute little blank notebook from your local dollar store. Now, every night, before you go to sleep, write down on one page of the notebook one thing that you are proud of yourself for doing that day. It might be as simple as saying hi to someone you never say hi to but you see every day. Or maybe it's some step you took towards helping your job or career. Maybe you thought of a new side hustle, and actually took a concrete step towards making it into a reality. Whatever it is, write it down. You did that. You made your life a little better. Pretty soon, you'll start not only writing things that you've done, but also things you want to do. It will go a long way towards organizing the goodness in your life, and pushing you forward into a more productive life and a happier you.

These are all things you can try to take care of yourself. You work hard. In this rapidly changing world full of chaos and devisiveness, there is good, and part of that good is that you have the power to make your life better. And that starts by taking care of yourself. So, do it!

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Beautiful Bathroom
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